Monday, November 21, 2011

Skyward Sword Acquired!

I didn't plan on picking this up since I hadn't preordered, but our lovely Best Buy buffoons found me a bundle in the back, somehow. I got asked I don't know how many times if I wanted SKYRIM instead of Skyward Sword


Hell no, stoned high school kid associated at Best Buy, I wouldn't take Skyrim if you paid me to play it. >_>

That being said! IT IS MINE!
Yes, that is a reflection of myself. That's how shiny that box is!

I'm enjoying it way more than I thought I would be - the story and characters are already inching their way into my deep and black "pit-of-despair" heart. There are options so you can reply (limitedly) as Link. I like that they have an auto center with the camera feature now. My one and biggest complaint would be with the Wii Motion plus controller. Supposedly it makes it more accurate, but from what I can tell, it the same. They really should've just released all that in the controller at launch.  :3

At least I didn't have to purchase the motion controller (thank god for that bundle!) but if I did...$40 is a big markup. They don't sell the little attachments anymore for $25, apparently? ;_; On that note, are they even planning on a gold nunchuk? Since I picked up my gold remote, I also got Goldeneye (for the gold classic controller!) and I wanna complete my set, Nintendo! I do hope, however, that the emblem doesn't just wear off on the controller - it's rather flimsily painted on.

The matte gold on these is kinda nasty/gritty to touch :/ That's the SOLE reason the protector cover thing is on.

Link in his "starting" gear

I love how bright this game is compared to Twilight Princess - Yes I know, Twilights vs. ZOMG BRIGHT SKY but still

Mostly for plushie making references! :D

Link has a cute plush of his Red Featherwing creature in his closet. Adorable~!
I hope I can get some more of this played before going on break. That and Mass Effect 2, or Halo:CE Anniversary Edition, or anything else I've bought recently.Only got a good haul b/c of birthday esque stuff and gift cards. XD

WHO ELSE IS PLAYING SKYWARD SWORD ? I need someone to share in the awesomeness of this with me. I'm sure E is getting tired of hearing me shriek about how awesome it is.

- A

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